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© 2015 - 2024, Streamlyn Media


1. Innovative Ad formats

We offer high-impact, innovative ad formats and help publishers develop an ad strategy that drives performance across different devices. Our ad formats are designed to be great when it comes to viewability while providing an enhanced user experience to your website’s visitors.

We provide a wide assortment of programmatic-friendly ad formats to improve your online advertising campaign. Video, static, and animated ad creatives let marketers get the whole customer experience throughout the journey.

Our Different Innovative Ad Formats

  • In-image ads- This ad format helps publishers to develop an extra source of ad revenue on a site by scanning the pages and overlaying contextual ads over editorial images.
  • Sticky ads- This ad format is attached at a fixed place on the webpage (maybe at the top, bottom, right, or left) when the page loads, and the user can see it even when he or she scrolls the page up and down.
  • In-article ads- Our in-article ads are flawlessly integrated into the publisher’s content to improve the user experience and not distract their attention from it.
  • Adhesion ads- Our adhesion ad units are placed at the bottom of all your web pages, across different devices offering a platform for our advertisers to ensure their ads are accessible, whilst at the same time paying first-rate CPMs.
  • IAB Standard ads-These ads are used considerably in the ad tech industry and are regarded as the most valuable ad sizes. You must implement these ads as their demand is always high from the advertiser’s side and they help in boosting the earning potential of publishers.

Offering an appealing format for our publishers, our product provides a genuine native experience for your users that fits with your content.

What can you expect from our Ad Formats

Our ad units make an impression- Created for high engagement and high viewability. Our unique technology complements Google’s AD Manager while enhancing your stats.

Our ads are focused on creation- Whether it is making small changes in the underlying code or providing new formats, we will always keep you at the lead position.

With interactive rich media, distinctive video ads, organic native ads, traditional display ads, brands get the opportunity to curate their story that engages as well as makes customers happy.

With the industry’s most effective ad formats by us, discover, reach, and convert your target audiences and drive high ROI’s.

2. Header Bidding Adapter

We offer a transparent header bidding solution for publishers. Now, you can increase your website profit with just a simple execution of Header Bidding. We take the whole responsibility of setting up and implementation while allowing you to enjoy the growing profits.

Header bidding, popularly known as pre-bid, is an advanced programmatic method developed to help publishers receive bids right away from the demand partners who are at present not bidding for your inventories. It is a technique for publishers to concurrently provide ad space to different Ad Exchanges or SSPs at a single time. Also, it gives publishers a lot more control over the method, including who they advertise it to.

Addressing the Issues for Publishers

Latency- Header bidding lowers latency and removes the problems publishers face with pass-backs. In addition, asynchronous javascript helps your page to load faster without having to hold on for the ad to deliver.

Publisher controls-We keep on improving publisher controls. The key is to look for a vendor who can work with you to customize controls and offer help based on your business.

Incorporation- Automated line-item setting lets you fix vital values to guarantee dynamic pricing without burdening your web development team.

 How header bidding helps publishers?

The biggest advantage that header bidding offers to publishers is greater revenue. By adding a single header bid source can improve revenue by 10 percent. Moreover, by merging their inventory into a single server-side supply, publishers can sell their inventory based on per-impression, offering more transparency to them.

Optimization Suite- Our platform optimizes across different channels, including latency, network, time-out for the bidder partners and creates a vibrant floor to ensure the inventory helps earn maximum revenue.

Bidder Adapter- Gain access to our unique demand if you are now using a header bidding solution by just incorporating our wrapper in the present setup. This will raise the exposure of inventory to more demand sources, therefore, boosting CPM. We have our Header Bidding Adapter that lets publishers manage and optimize bid floor costs. However, publishers are expected to adjust the CPM while getting a bid response.

Integrated Analytics- We provide a customized dashboard where you can see your revenue growth, the performance of each demand platform, and all parameters from the Header Bidding pile with total transparency.

Let us take an example to understand it better. Imagine you are a publisher who wants to run header bidding and add some of the top supply-side platforms like AppNexus, OpenX. Therefore, to connect with these top SSPs, you will need a dedicated adapter for every partner. Or, if you use our header bidding adapter, we can get all of them into your pack.

If you do not have adapters, it becomes difficult to get demand from that specific SSP. In simple language, finding an adapter means getting demand from SSP. Not just this, you need a wrapper too. Because wrappers are the bins that support the adapters. With just a wrapper you cannot incorporate demand partners. You require an adapter to get access to the SSPs demand.

Adapters do much more than simply bringing demand partners for publishers. They are also accountable for producing the bid requests for the specific bidder’s server.

3. Smart Refresh

Smart refresh is one of the most advanced technology to refresh ads and the most versatile one. It is a mix of the time-based and event-based process though it also takes viewability into account. It is configurable and provides you control over how and when ads are refreshing on the page. If you are worried about the user experience from refreshed ads, you can develop a conservative setup.

The thing that makes smart refresh different from other kinds of ad refresh is that it can measure viewability. Also, it just reloads the placements when they are viewed for a specific amount of time in compliance with the user action.

Smart Refresh uses a variety of triggers. It includes action-based and event-based triggers like:

  • Scroll
  • Click
  • Predictive behavior
  • Content render event
  • Analytical behavior
  • Screen position adjustment
  • Viewability on refreshing

A good Smart Refresh can use about 20 different signals to find out if a display unit is presently on screen and thus if it is worthy to refresh it. This tool improves ad viewability and publishers can generate more income.

4. Auto Ad layout Optimization

Get access to professional insights and recommendations. We guarantee to increase your ad’s viewability without negotiating on user experience.  We help publishers enhance the user experience of their site. We help them set high-performance ad layouts and boost ad profits.

We offer a platform that helps you to optimize the color, size, placement, and type of your current ads. Our system reduces the need for human involvement and time dedication while optimizing the ads to earn high revenue.

One of the factors that play an important role in maximizing your ad revenue is improving viewability. As your viewability grows, you can expect more revenue.

Our skilled team makes data-driven decisions in every ad layout optimization we make. We work like data analysts and designers to give you the benefits of both worlds. We use in-depth data analysis tools along with UX training to perfectly fit your website. We also set up experiments and pitch in new strategies to boost your revenue.

We get hold of beta access to the newest ad formats available in the market and work with several innovative partners with high-performing and distinctive formats for your website. Our team will suggest the best layout for your site. We will constantly work on improving the new layout and experiment with new things to drive maximum growth and keep the users satisfied.

What we aim at?

Our aim at Streamlyn is to fight banner blindness without affecting the UX. Our product helps publishers to optimize and personalize their ad layout offering extra revenue. Once the publishers fix conditions in the platform, we serve different ad variations and through machine learning, provides the winning option to most of the site’s visitors.

Auto ad layout optimization is hard, especially when it comes to maintaining a balance between ad performance and user experience. Our system stabilizes learning from visually diverse pages of a site on various platforms, to achieve automated and faster learnings.

5. Monetization of Web & App Inventory

From our platform, publishers can effortlessly access information about the most accessible ad formats, do a comparison between different ad units, and choose ads that match their target audiences. App developers and online publishers can select different ad types of multiple sizes that fit across screens, run flawlessly, and deliver smooth user experiences. Measuring performance through real-time analytics lets optimizing inventories on-demand and efficiently. Undo the possibility of your traffic, offer a first-class ad environment for the media buyers, and create remarkable results.